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Is LIGHT a Co-Op?


LIGHT is not a co-op where classes are offered. Many LIGHT members belong to co-op groups such as Classical Conversations, Firmly Planted or smaller informal co-ops, and find support by both memberships. A couple reasons we are not a co-op: LIGHT offers activities throughout the year when co-ops are not in session, LIGHT offers group activities outside of co-ops, LIGHT offers a monthly Moms’ Night Out that include themes such as Curriculum Nights, Discipleship, as well as guest speakers. These are just a few reasons why many LIGHT members are part of other co-ops, but there are also many LIGHT members that find LIGHT alone is enough support for their family. It really is a family’s individual choice on opportunities available for their homeschool journey.


How do I register to homeschool with the state?


You are required to register with your county ESD your intent to homeschool any students who turn 6 by September 1st. If you are new to Oregon, or have a change of address (within 10 days) be sure that you register your student(s) with your local ESD. You do not need to re-register students each year.


How do I get more information about the group? 


All information pertaining to the group is found on the main website page. To be added to the waitlist please email  [email protected] Emails are checked every spring.